Thank You Page

That is about as high pressure a sales pitch as you will get from me. Buy stuff if you need it, don’t buy if you don’t. Pretty simple.

You will notice I will be emailing you epic videos, reports, charts, graphs, and other great content to help you maximize every grow so you can enjoy a free and constant supply of your favorite strains of cannabis.

Keep an eye out for emails from “Joe Pritchett”, that would be me! The emails will be similar to this…

This is not like other programs out there that email you a bunch of stuff hoping you will buy. The content I will send you will be useful, entertaining, and educational so when/if the time comes an issue crops up, and it will, you will be prepared and equipped with the know-how to quickly identify and resolve it. Nothing is worse than expending a lot of time and energy trying to have a great harvest, and then you forget to check the ph, or whatever, and your entire crop is jacked. Keep that in the back of your mind. Very few people have a completely successful first grow, but never give up! Even the grow masters screw it up sometimes.

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Order your free seeds now. The reason being, it can take a month or so to receive your seeds and grow kits can take a while as well. That is not B.S. You do not want to end up like me, sitting there staring at your brand new grow box with no seeds to start germinating. Just a helpful tip from someone who has lived it.

Order your grow kit/tent/box now also. The same reason as Step 1. Once again, no B.S. You will not get very far without a comfortable environment. It is important to maintain consistent air circulation, air temperature, and humidity throughout the grow. You can choose from 3 different manufacturers so you can compare different makes and models and types!

Step 5: Get out there and just do it. You will never be able to experience all the benfits that comes with growing your own cannabis if you do not try, or try it again. Honestly, it is a very rare case that someone gets it right the very first time. I did not have the benefit of a self-contained, automated grow box/tent/kit. I actually did not know what a grow box was until after I started. I can assure you that when the time is right and it is in the budget, and legal (Recreational Cannabis is on Florida’s ballot in November, and every state that has done so already allows for individual growers), I will be purchasing one myself. Trust me on this. It will be worth every penny that you will eventually put back in your pocket with the money you will save and the quantity you potentially can cultivate. The average looks like about 6 plants per household, but there are some pretty weird conditions and caveats out there. Count on a minimum of .5-1 pound per plant. I am sorry. I have to say this. I name all my plants, Robert! I hope someone gets that!

I have babbled long enough. This site is a work in progress, DUH!, and always will be. Please be patient with me, as I am not perfect and I have zero design acumen.

We continue with the educational part of the program. Here are some other related places you may want to check out: